Thursday, November 16, 2006

Quite a Conundrum

Should I stay or should I go ? Regarding my present job situation and the way that I was blatantly devalued and disrespected , then OBVIOUSLY the answer is "I should go". So the better questions are "when should I go ?" and "how long can I grin and bare it ?" and "how long can I get up each day and dread having to interact with the same people that treated me as Judas did Jesus and Brutus did Julius Caesar ?" So why is there any dilemma at all ? I was screwed, THAT'S IT !! Find another job and get on your merry way, right ? While that is certainly an appropriate reaction and I have no doubts about being able to find another J.O.B. within weeks, my present job offers me a lot of added benefits that makes it ideal to sew seeds in other business ventures and set me up for my 2nd act as a full time entrepreneur.

You see, I presently drive about 10 minutes to work, I'm able to go home for lunch, I'm able to go to lunch for 2-3 hours if need be, I don't work long hours, I leave mostly at 5pm, etc. I have a situation that is conducive to not putting all my eggs in one basket in being dependent on a single source of income. I am able to disappear for an hour or 2 to go meet with a prospective client for my media business. I am able to disappear for a while to evaluate properties for my real estate interests. I am able to take some time away to pitch a business plan at potential investors so they can bank roll one of my ideas so that we can put it into action. In a nutshell, my present situation affords me a lot of conveniences that enable me to lay the foundation for building successful business endeavors and not have to depend on an employer for my financial needs. Putting in the effort to go and find another J.O.B. will only take away from time that could be spent on building successful businesses. Also, the expectation levels when starting a new job are different and my work hours would naturally be longer as I try and establish myself in the new environment.

So therein lies the conundrum my friends. Should I leave now because the feeling of staying is just unbareable ? Do I grin and bare it and milk this situation for all its conveniences ? I will continue to pray and to ask for guidance because I waiver back and forth as to what is direction I should go now that I am at this proverbial fork in the road of life. Quoting the ever-quotable Yogi Berra, "when you get to that fork in the road, TAKE IT ...". Now, which way Yogi ? which way ?

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